Capp Center
St. Paul
American Red Cross

The right answer could save a life. With an emphasis on hands-on learning, our American Red Cross courses will teach you invaluable skills for emergency situations.

American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certification

Learn to save a life, both in and out of the water. This 3-day course covers in-water lifesaving skills as well as Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED. A swimming pretest is required on the first day. Participants will need to pass the pretest to continue with the course. Please wear comfortable clothing, bring a swimsuit, snacks, and a water bottle. Towels are provided.

This is a blended learning class and participants will be responsible for completing an online portion before beginning the course. The online portion takes approximately 7 hours.


  • Must be age 15 by last day of class
  • Must bring driver’s license or photo ID for proof of age and name on the first day of class
  • Must attend all classes
  • Must pass in-water pre-test to continue in course

Skill 1 – Swim 200 yards continuously, starting in the deep end. You must use front crawl or breaststroke and demonstrate breath control and/or rotary breathing. Swimming on side or back is not allowed. Goggles may be used for this portion. After 200 yards stop swimming before touching the wall and begin treading water with hands in armpits for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, swim 100 yards more to complete the skill.
Skill 2 – Complete a timed event in 1 minute and 40 seconds. Goggles are not allowed for this portion. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards using any front stroke. Surface dive to a depth of 7-10ft, retrieve a 10 lb. object, and then return to surface. Swim to the starting point on your back with both hands on the object, using your legs to kick. Face should be at or near the surface. Exit water without using the ladder and stand up.

American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Classes

Learn how to save a life in just a few hours! This First Aid/CPR/AED class covers all of the information needed to administer basic First Aid and CPR with an AED. Adult, child and infant care will be covered. Upon successful completion participants receive a certification good for 2 years.

Sunday, March 23 • 9 AM – 12:30 PM
$85-$60 Member Value Price


For more information, contact Jill Burchill, Aquatics Coordinator or 651.255.4762.